U petak 21.12.2012. u Bihaću, održana je osnivačka skupština udruženja “Zdrav razum”. Na osnivačkoj skupštini učestvovali su i članovi udruženja “Ateisti Srbije” iz Beograda.
Udruženje “Zdrav razum” je prvo zvanično ateističko/agnostističko udruženje u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Udruženje “Ateisti Srbije” se zahvaljuje predsedniku udruženja “Zdrav razum” Amiru Čauševiću, što nas je pozvao da prisustvujemo osnivačkoj skupštini.
Želimo im puno sreće i uspeha u borbi za sekularnu Bosnu i Hercegovinu.
Ateisti Srbije
The founding assembly of the “Common sense” association was held on Friday 21.12.2012. in Bihac. Members of the association “Atheists of Serbia” from Belgrade were also present at the founding assembly.
Association “Common sense” is the first official association of atheists and agnostics in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Association “Atheists of Serbia” would like to express their gratitude to the president of the “Common sense” association Amir Causevic for inviting us to the first founding assembly.
We wish them good luck and success in the struggle for a secular Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Atheists of Serbia
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